[A 61] Aharoni, T., Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K., Kligler-Vilenchik, N., Boczkowski, P., Mitchelstein, E., Hayashi, K., & Villi, M. (2022). Trust-oriented affordances: A five-country study of news trustworthiness and its socio-technical articulations. New Media & Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448221096334 [A 60] Crispim da Fontura, M., & Boczkowski, P. (2022). Pablo Boczkowski: For the revision of theories and a new focus on audiences. Brazilian Creative Industries Journal, 2 (1). https://doi.org/10.25112/bcij.v2i1.2882
[A 59] Matassi, M.,* Mitchelstein, E., & Boczkowski, P. (2022). Social media repertoires: Social structure and platform use. The Information Society, DOI: 10.1080/01972243.2022.2028208.
[A 58] Kligler-Vilenchik, N. Tenenboim-Weinblat, K., Boczkowski, P., Hayashi, K., Mitchelstein, E., & Villi, M. (2021). Youth political talk in the changing media environment: A cross-national typology. International Journal of Press / Politics. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/19401612211055686
[A 57] Hayashi, K., Boczkowski, P., Mitchelstein, E., Tenenboim-Weinblat, K., Villi, M., & Kligler-Vilenchik, N. (2021). Gendered power relations in the digital age: An analysis of Japanese women’s media consumption within a global context. Manuscript under second round of review. Feminist Media Studies. DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2021.1998183
[A 56] Mitchelstein, E., Giuliano, C.,* & Boczkowski, P. (in press). Platform matters: Political opinion expression on social media. Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society, 1(1), w1.1.5. https://doi.org/10.34669/wi.wjds/1.1.5.
[A 55] Villi, M., Aharoni, T., Tenenboim-Weinblat, K., Boczkowski, P., Hayashi, K., Mitchelstein, E., Tanaka, A., & Kligler-Vilenchik, N. (2021). Taking a break from news: A five-nation study of news avoidance in the digital era. Digital Journalism. DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2021.1904266
[A 54] Boczkowski, P., Suenzo, F.,* Hayashi, K., Mitchelstein, E., Tenenboim-Weinblat, K., Villi, M., & Kligler-Vilenchik. (2021). From the barbeque to sauna: A comparative account of the folding of media reception into everyday life. New Media & Society. doi:10.1177/14614448211000314
Media writeup: Coddington, M., & Lewis, S. (2021, April 20). Why do people still get print newspapers? Well, partly to start up the grill (seriously). Nieman Lab. Available online at: https://www.niemanlab.org/2021/04/why-do-people-still-get-print-newspapers-well-partly-to-start-up-the-grill-seriously/
[A 53] Mitchesltein, E., & Boczkowski, P. (2021). What a special issue on Latin America teaches us about some key limitations in the field of digital journalism. Digital Journalism. https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2021.1873813
[A 52] Mitchelstein, E., Boczkowski, P. & Suenzo, F.* (2021). Chronicle of a death foretold: The enactment of patriarchy and class in print newspaper readership. Journalism. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1464884920987683
[A 51] Wagner, C.,* Mitchelstein, E., & Boczkowski, P. (2021). Affect, curiosity and positionality in context: Watching television entertainment in Argentina and the United States. International Journal of Communication, 15, 668-687. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/14191/3343.
[A 50] Matassi, M.,* & Boczkowski, P. (2021). An agenda for comparative social media studies: The value of understanding social media practices from cross-media, cross-national, and cross-platform perspectives. International Journal of Communication, 15, 207-228. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/15042
[A 49] Mitchelstein, E., Matassi, M.,* & Boczkowski, P. (2020). Minimal effects, maximum panic: Social media and democracy in Latin America. Social Media + Society. doi:10.1177/2056305120984452
[A 48] Suenzo, F.,* Boczkowski, P., & Mitchelstein, E. (2020). La crisis de la prensa escrita: Una revisión bibliográfica para repensarla desde Latinoamérica. Cuadernos.info, 47, 1-25. https://doi.org/10.7764/cdi.47.1867
[A 47] Mitchelstein, E., Boczkowski, P., Hayashi, K., Tenenboim-Weinblat, K., Villi, M., & Kligler-Vilenchik, N. (2020). Intentionality as a continuum: A conceptual approach to incidental news consumption. Journalism, 21(8), 1136–1153. https://doi.org/10.1177/1464884920915355
[A 46] Matassi, M.,* & Boczkowski, P. (2020). Redes sociales en Iberoamérica. El Profesional de la Información, 29 (1). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2020.ene.04
[A 45] Boczkowski, P., & Delli Carpini, M. (2020). On writing in communication and media studies. International Journal of Communication, 14, 410-416. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/13535/2914
With commentaries by Ingrid Bachmann, Noshir Contractor, Susan Douglas, Brooke Foucault Welles, Deen Freelon, and Silvio Waisbord.
[A 44] Boczkowski, P., Mitchelstein, E., & Suenzo, F.* (2020). The smells, sights, and pleasures of ink on paper: The consumption of print newspapers during a period marked by their crisis. Journalism Studies, 21, 565-581. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2019.1670092
[A 43] Mitchelstein, E., & Boczkowski, P. (2019). Nuevas perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas para el estudio de la comunicación en el Cono Sur. Cuadernos.info, 44, 14-18.
[A 42] Mitchelstein, E., Boczkowski, P. (2019). Digital media and democracy in the Americas: Renewing a journalism of accountability for extraordinary times. #ISOJ, 9, 5-10.
[A 41] Boczkowski, P., & Mitchelstein, E. (2019). The politics of contextualization in the contextualization of political communication research. Political Communication, 36, 676-679. DOI: 10.1080/10584609.2019.1670903.
[A 40] Mitchelstein, E., Andelsman, V.,* & Boczkowski, P. (2019). Joanne Public versus Joe Public: News sourcing and gender imbalance on Argentine digital media. Digital Journalism, 7, 1311-1327. https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2019.1680301
Media coverage: Toledo, C. (2019, November 21). Reading political news in the age of Trump leaves people stressed, angry, and overwhelmed. Infobae. Available online at: https://www.niemanlab.org/2019/09/reading-political-news-in-the-age-of-trump-leaves-people-stressed-angry-and-overwhelmed/
[A 39] Wagner, C.,* & Boczkowski, P. (2019). Angry, frustrated, and overwhelmed: Emotional responses to news about president Trump. Journalism. https://doi.org/10.1177/1464884919878545
Media coverage: Benton, J. (2019, September 30). Reading political news in the age of Trump leaves people stressed, angry, and overwhelmed. NiemanLab. Available online at: https://www.niemanlab.org/2019/09/reading-political-news-in-the-age-of-trump-leaves-people-stressed-angry-and-overwhelmed/
[A 38] Wagner, C.,* & Boczkowski, P. (2019). The reception of fake news: The interpretations and practices that shape the encounter of perceived misinformation. Digital Journalism, 7, 870-885. https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2019.1653208
[A 37] Mitchelstein, E., Boczkowski, P., Andelsman, V.,* Etenberg, P.,* Weinstein, M.,* & Bombau, T.* (2019). Whose voices are heard? The byline gender gap on Argentine news sites. Journalism. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1464884919848183
[A 36] Matassi, M., * Boczkowski, P., & Mitchelstein, E. (2019). The domestication of WhatsApp: Family, friends, work, and study in everyday communication. New Media & Society, 21, 2183–2200. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444819841890
[A 35] Panza, M., * Mitchelstein, E., & Boczkowski, P. (2019). Política en los sitios, entretenimiento en las redes: La agenda de los medios noticiosos en sus sitios y en Facebook y Twitter. Revista de Comunicación, 18, 135-150. https://doi.org/10.26441/RC18.1-2019-A7
[A 34] Mitchelstein, E., Leiva, S., * Giuliano, C., * & Boczkowski, P. (2018). La política da que hablar: Engagement en las redes sociales de los sitios de noticias argentinos. Cuadernos de la Información y la Comunicación, 23, 157-173. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5209/CIYC.60913
[A 33] Boczkowski, P., Matassi, M., * & Mitchelstein, E. (2018). How young users deal with multiple platforms: The role of meaning-making in social media repertoires. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 23, 245-259. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcmc/zmy012
[A 32] Boczkowski, P., Mitchelstein, E., & Matassi, M. * (2018). “News comes across when I’m in a moment of leisure”: Understanding the practices of incidental news consumption on social media. New Media & Society, 20, 3523–3539. DOI: 10.1177/1461444817750396
[A 31] Mitchelstein, E., & Boczkowski, P. (2018). Juventud, status y conexiones: Explicando el consumo incidental de noticias en redes sociales. Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública, 13, 131-145. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484911e.2018.24.61647
[A 30] Mitchelstein, E., Boczkowski, P., Andelsman, V., * & Leiva, S. * (2017). Política y pelotas: Los intereses temáticos de los usuarios de sitios de noticias líderes en Argentina en 2016. Cuadernos de la Información y la Comunicación, 22, 63-78. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5209/CIYC.55967
[A 29] Mitchelstein, E., & Boczkowski, P. (2017) Information, interest and ideology: Explaining the divergent effects of government-media relationships in Argentina. International Journal of Communication, 11, 1175-1194. Available online at: http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/6390/2008.
[A 28] Mitchelstein, E., Boczkowski, P., & Wagner, C.* (2017). The boomerang effect: Innovation in the blogs of mainstream news sites, 2008-2012. Media, Culture & Society, 39, 1231–1244. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443717690819
[A 27] Boczkowski, P., Mitchelstein, E., & Matassi, M.* (2017). Incidental news: How young people consume news on social media. Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. http://hdl.handle.net/10125/41371(Acceptance rate: 48%.)
Nominated for Best Paper Award.
[A 26] Mitchelstein, E., Boczkowski, P., Wagner, C., * & Leiva, S. * (2016) La brecha de las noticias en Argentina: Factores contextuales y preferencias de periodistas y público. Palabra Clave, 19, 1027-1047.
[A 25] Boczkowski, P. (2014). The material turn in the study of journalism: Some hopeful and cautionary remarks from an early explorer. Journalism, 1-4.
[A 24] Boczkowski, P., & Siles, I. * (2014). Steps towards cosmopolitanism in the study of media technologies: Integrating scholarship on production, consumption, materiality, and content. Information, Communication & Society, 17, 560-571.
[A 23] Boczkowski, P. (2013). The continual transformation of online news in the digital age. Communication & Society, 25, 1-26.
[A 22] Boczkowski, P., Mitchelstein, E., * & Walter, M. * (2012). When burglar alarms sound, do monitorial citizens pay attention to them? The online news choices of journalists and consumers during and after the 2008 U.S. election cycle. Political Communication, 29, 1-19.
[A 21] Boczkowski, P. & Mitchelstein, E. * (2012). Clicking, sending and commenting: How users take advantage of different forms of interactivity in online news sites. Human Communication Research, 38, 1-22.
[A 20] Siles, I., * & Boczkowski, P (2012). Making sense of the newspaper crisis: A critical assessment of existing research and an agenda for future work. New Media and Society. doi:10.1177/1461444812455148.
[A 19] Siles, I., * & Boczkowski, P. (2012). At the intersection of materiality and content: A texto-material perspective on the use of media technologies. Communication Theory, 22, 227-249.
[A 18] Joseph, N., * & Boczkowski, P. (2012). From principle to practice: Expanding the scholarship on media ethics. Ethical Space, 9, 16-26.
[A 17] Boczkowski, P., & Peer, L. (2011). The choice gap: The divergent online news preferences of journalists and consumers. Journal of Communication, 61, 857-876.
[A 16] Boczkowski, P., Mitchelstein, E., * & Walter, M. * (2011). Convergence across divergence: Understanding the gap in the online news choices of journalists and consumers in Western Europe and Latin America. Communication Research, 38, 376-396.
[A 15] Boczkowski, P. (2010). The divergent online news preferences of journalists and readers. Communications of the ACM, 53 (11), 24-26.
Spanish version: Boczkowski, P. (2013). Preferencias divergentes de los periodistas y los lectores online. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 18, 51-55.
[A 14] Boczkowski, P., & Mitchelstein, E. * (2010). Is there a gap between the news choices of journalists and consumers? A relational and dynamic approach. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 15, 420-440.
[A 13] Boczkowski, P. (2010). The consumption of online news at work: Making sense of emerging phenomena and rethinking existing concepts. Information, Communication & Society, 13, 470-484.
[A 12] Mitchelstein, E., * & Boczkowski, P. (2010). Online news consumption research: An assessment of past work and an agenda for the future. New Media & Society, 12, 1085-1102.
[A 11] Mitchelstein, E., & Boczkowski, P. * (2009). Between tradition and change: A review of recent research on online news production. Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, 10 (5), 562-586.
Most downloaded article during 2010 of all articles published in the journal in 2009 and 2010.
[A 10] Boczkowski, P (2009). Rethinking hard and soft news production: From common ground to divergent paths. Journal of Communication, 59, 98-116.
Featured in Michael Schudson and Julia Sonnevend’s “Research Reports” column, Columbia Journalism Review (2010).
[A 9] Boczkowski, P. (2009). Technology, monitoring and imitation in contemporary news work. Communication, Culture & Critique, 2, 39-59.
[A 8] Boczkowski, P., & de Santos, M. (2007). When more media equals less news: Patterns of content homogenization in Argentina’s leading print and online newspapers. Political Communication, 24, 167-190.
Spanish version (abridged and less technical): Boczkowski, P. (2007). Más publicación, menos noticias. In B. Díaz Nosty (Ed.) Medios de comunicación – Tendencias 07: El escenario Iberoamericano (pp. 300-303). Madrid, Spain: Ariel.
[A 7] Boczkowski, P., & Ferris, J. * (2005). Multiple media, convergent processes and divergent products: Organizational innovation in digital media production at a European firm. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 597, 32-47.
[A 6] Boczkowski, P. (2004). The mutual shaping of technology and society in videotex newspapers: Beyond the diffusion and social shaping perspectives. The Information Society, 20, 255-267.
[A 5] Boczkowski, P. (2004). The processes of adopting multimedia and interactivity in three online newsrooms. Journal of Communication, 54, 197-213.
[A 4] Boczkowski, P. (1999). The mutual shaping of users and technologies in the Argentine Mailing List. Journal of Communication, 49, 86-108.
2001 The Walter Benjamin Award for Outstanding Article in the Field of Media Ecology, Media Ecology Association.
1997 Hacker - Mullins Award, Section on Science, Knowledge and Technology, American Sociological Association.
1996 Best Graduate Student Paper Award, Section on Sociology and Computers, American Sociological Association.
[A 3] Boczkowski, P. (1999). Understanding the development of online newspapers: Using computer-mediated communication theorizing to study Internet publishing. New Media & Society, 1, 101-126.
1998 Top Three Student Paper, Communication and Technology Division, International Communication Association.
[A 2] Boczkowski, P. (1996). From text to hypertext: Technologies, metaphors, and the social construction of family therapy. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 15, 59-79.
[A 1] Boczkowski, P., Das Neves, F., & Rossi, G. (1993). On the relationships between hypermedia and the psychotherapeutic process. In G. Salvendy (Ed.), Human-computer interaction: Hardware and software interfaces, vol. 19B (pp. 476-481). New York: Elsevier.
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